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Welcome to SG Wellbeing...








Hi untethered humans! Ready to un-knot your spirit, de-fuzz your energy, and steer your subconscious onto a new path? Strap in and let's get playful with it! Hypnotherapy — it's like a software update for your brain, but instead of "Please wait," it's "Let's get bloody started!" Dive into the depths of your psyche with me, and we'll find your inner child playing hide and seek. (Spoiler alert: they're terrible at hiding.)


If you're sensing a bit of imbalance, allow my Reiki Sessions to bring harmony to your energy centers, akin to the gentle alignment of sparkling disco balls. Together, we'll set your chakras spinning in the right direction, turning indifference into positivity and transforming uncertainties into confident affirmations. Let's embark on a journey towards inner equilibrium.


Intuitive Energy Healing is my forte! I tune into your vibes with keen sensitivity, much like understanding a close friend's unspoken emotions. Together, we'll explore your energetic landscape, shedding light on areas that may have been overlooked or neglected.


Get ready for the crystal-wielding, sage-burning, intuitively-guided pagan witch of healing. My methods are as rooted and practical as a tree's trunk, yet open-minded and adaptable like its highest leaf swaying in the breeze.


So, if you're seeking a cosmic cocktail of serious therapy with a side of saucy smiles, shits and giggles you've hit the jackpot, jackpot! At SG-Wellbeing, because i believe in deep belly laughs, high-fives with your higher self, and a nudge-nudge, wink-wink to the universe.


Your journey to wellness doesn't have to be a silent meditation retreat (unless you snore, then we've got duct tape for that). Come for the healing, stay for the laughs and the sacred connections, and leave feeling like the universe just shit a rainbow all over you.


Step right in – your future self has already booked the appointment! 


Life's too mysterious not to be amused. So, let's get your chi flowing and your butt glowing!

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Let's begin your journey...




Wellbeing Workshops


Inner Child, Ancestral Trauma & Witch Wound Healing

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Reiki, Chakra Balancing & Intuitive Healing


Life Coaching


Massage Therapies

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Stacey is an amazing hypnotherapist; she is very empathetic, caring and knowledgeable. Hypnosis is a gentle treatment with powerful results and I strongly recommend that you give both hypnosis and Stacey a try! Thank you Stacey and see you soon xx

Anne Dransfield

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