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Navigating life after a childhood with Narcissistic/violent parent

Navigating Childhood with a narcissistic/Violent Parent Blog

Growing up with a parent who has a history of violence or aggression can be incredibly challenging. Not only will it shape the way you view the world, it may also have an impact on your relationships and how you interact with people as an adult. It’s important to take time and reflect on how your childhood experiences shaped you and to learn how to cope with the feelings of fear, confusion, and anger that come from growing up in such an environment.

The Impact of Violence neglect and emotional abuse in Childhood Research has shown that growing up with a narcissistic/violent parent can have long-term health consequences for adults. Those who experienced this in their childhood are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, substance abuse issues, and even physical ailments like cardiovascular disease and obesity.

This is why it’s so important to recognize the signs of trauma in yourself or others and to seek help if needed. It’s normal for us as children in these situations to feel isolated, confused, or scared. We may not have known what was happening or why our parents behaved the way they did. In some cases, as children may have felt responsible for our parent’s actions or think we could have done something to make them stop. But it’s important to remember that no one ever deserves violence or emotional abuse/neglect—especially not a child. And no matter what anyone says or does, there is no excuse for violence against another person.

Coping Strategies - Although dealing with a parent like this can be difficult and overwhelming at times, there are ways you can cope and start healing from those experiences. First off all it’s important to practice self-care such as getting plenty of rest, eating healthy meals regularly, exercising regularly, engaging in activities that bring joy into your life like spending time with friends, family, or reading a book, practicing relaxation techniques like yoga or deep breathing exercises.

You should also consider talking to someone about your experiences such as a therapist who specializes in trauma work or joining support groups where you can share your experience with other people who are going through similar challenges as you are. Additionally speaking out about your story helps break down stigma around these topics which is incredibly important because it encourages others to seek help too when they need it most!

Navigating childhood with a narcissistic/violent parent is never easy but there are strategies that can help you cope better and move towards healing from those experiences. Remember that no one deserves violence—especially not a child—and that seeking help from professionals is always encouraged if needed! It takes courage but by taking steps towards self-care, self-growth and understanding more about our past we can begin our journey towards becoming stronger than ever before!

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